With home made cakes put together with pots of tea, this event has become very popular. Some people bring along their knitting projects for help. One resident has even written a dog walking book. If you are passing, pop in for a slice of cake with a cup of tea. You will be most welcome.
*any dietary needs, please contact a couple of days before so you are catered for.
Pop Up Pub
Held on last Friday of every month.
Time: 7 – 11
Organised by FOM
Food. Depending on which mobile caterers is booked.
Log fire with a pint of beer seems very popular over the winter months.
Breakfast Club
Held on the second Sunday of every month. Time: 9 – 11
Organised by FOM
“Having breakfast cooked for you is a real treat” said one mum in our village with four children.
Popular with passing bike riders and walkers.
*any dietary needs, please contact a couple of days before so you are catered for.