
Tea Room

Held on 3rd Thursday of every month.

Time: 2 – 4

Organised by FOM Friends Of Molesworth

With home made cakes put together with pots of tea, this event has become very popular. Some people bring along their knitting projects for help. One resident has even written a dog walking book. If you are passing, pop in for a slice of cake with a cup of tea. You will be most welcome.

*any dietary needs, please contact a couple of days before so you are catered for.

Pop Up Pub

Held on last Friday of every month.

Time: 7 – 11

Organised by FOM

Food. Depending on which mobile caterers is booked.

Log fire with a pint of beer seems very popular over the winter months.

Breakfast Club

Held on the second Sunday of every month. Time: 9 – 11

Organised by FOM

“Having breakfast cooked for you is a real treat” said one mum in our village with four children.

Popular with passing bike riders and walkers.

*any dietary needs, please contact a couple of days before so you are catered for.


Beavers:   Thursday 5.00 – 6.00
Contact :

Cubs:  Thursday  6.30 – 8.00
Contact :

Scouts : Tuesday 7.00 – 9.00


Held every Monday – Time: 6.30 -7.30

Organised by Penny Hales

To book contact: Penny Hales Mobile 07956 558386 

Classes cover all abilities. Penny has other classes in different venues.